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Lincoln Memorial District of Columbia
Lincoln Memorial
Independence Ave. & 23rd St. NW , Washington DC 202-426-6841
About us
Before you go
Your Lodging Of Choice

be inspired by the Lincoln Memorial

Situated on the National Mall a mere one mile from our conveniently located hotel in central DC, the Lincoln Memorial is a sight to behold. It's divided into three chambers. In the middle, there is the classic statue of America's sixteenth president. Two chambers on either side feature two of Lincoln's most famous speeches: the Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural Address. There are also two beautiful murals above each one of the speeches. And if you have any questions, there are park rangers available to answer them from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.


Prices -

There is no fee to visit the Lincoln Memorial.

Hours -

The Lincoln Memorial is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.


  • Lattes with Lincoln
  • Rangerpalooza
  • Search for the Lincoln Family


  • Statue
  • Murals
  • Speeches
  • Films
  • Ranger Talks
  • Bookstore


  • What's the best way to get there?

    You'd be wise to take public transportation to the Lincoln Memorial. The closest Metro station, which is Foggy Bottom/George Washington University at 23rd and I Streets, is just one-half mile away. You can also drive but parking is expensive. There is some free street parking though it's limited to two hours.
  • Is the Lincoln Memorial accessible?

    Yes, it is. An elevator in the lower lobby in the southeast corner of the building will take you to the Chamber level where the statue of Lincoln is. In addition, there is closed captioning for the movies that are shown inside the Lincoln Memorial. If it's not operational, let a park ranger know and they'll remedy it.

Helpful Links


Driving Direction to Lincoln Memorial
or The Concordia