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Washington, DC| 202-557-2000
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District of Columbia U.S. Capitol
U.S. Capitol
East Capitol St NE & First St SE,, Washington DC , 20004 202 226-8000
About us
Before you go
Your Lodging Of Choice

experience the U.S. Capitol Building

Located a little over two miles from our conveniently located central DC hotel, the U.S. Capitol is where the Senate and House of Representatives debate and pass legislation. Take a guided tour of this impressive building, which starts and concludes at the Capitol Visitor Center, home to Exhibition Hall, which features a wealth of historic documents. Highlights of the tour include a brief orientation film, National Statuary Hall, and the Rotunda.


Prices -

 U.S. Capitol tours are free.

Hours -

Tours are given Monday-Saturday 8:50 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. while the Visitor Center is open Monday-Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


  • History Programs
  • Capitol Christmas Tree Arrival
  • Live Seasonal Music


  • Tours
  • Visitor Center
  • Exhibition Hall
  • Gift Shops
  • Orientation Film
  • Dining


  • How much time should I allow for my visit?

    It's generally a good idea to allocate a minimum of an hour and a half for your tour of the U.S. Capitol and visit to the Capitol Visitor Center. The latter offers many opportunities to learn about the building as well as the history of Congress. There are also two gift shops and a large restaurant.
  • Are the tours offered in languages other than English?

    At the present time, all U.S. Capitol tours are given in English by experienced guides. However, listening devices for the orientation film along with Exhibition Hall displays are available in several different languages, including French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Japanese.

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Driving Direction to U.S. Capitol
or The Concordia